KK51 2020-11-18 23:35:32阿臣太可愛了!!!一定要為這次一起聽另外開一篇記錄!!!!!!
01. Eric Kwok - Ripboy
02. Tats Lau - Ci Ke (Instrumental)
7:36 Hi everyone!
03. SENZA A Cappella - 我一伸手抱住我
7:39 Beautiful group!
7:40 [The photo was uploaded]
7:41 [The photo was uploaded]
04. 岑寧兒 - 常願意
7:44 Yo Oscar!
7:44 New single not ready for this session yet I'm afraid
7:44 My apologies
05. 李榮浩 - 我愛你
7:47 Thx Pris! It's a great number indeed
7:49 Please have a ramen for me, @Ruby! :p
06. 鄭伊健 - 甘心替代你
7:53 I read all...but may not be able to do so instantly m(_)m
7:55 Be patient pls
07. 林家謙 - 時光倒流一句話
7:58 Talk after this song?
08. 嚴正嵐 - 告白
09. 嚴正嵐 - 別瞎猜
10. 嚴正嵐 - 自由國度
11. 嚴正嵐 - I don't姑息
12. 嚴正嵐 - 滿星閃爍 (電視劇《老姑婆的古董老菜單》片尾曲)
13. 嚴正嵐 - 有什麼
8:05 係。
14. 馮允謙 - 地球來的人
8:06 I like him~
15. Jace Chan, 林家謙 - 隔離 (Studio Live Duet)
8:13 Too grateful for them to have created such a lovely medley
16. 梁漢文 - 再見童夢零
17. 林二汶 - 再聚
18. Serrini - ~旋轉with me*
8:23 She is such a talent~
19. AGA - 哈囉
20. 陳奕迅 - 致明日的舞
8:30 多謝Oscar!
8:31 Thank you very much, Terence!
8:31 Thank you, KKBOX!!
8:32 Last but not least, THANK YOU ALL for listening and sharing your thoughts
with us here!!!
8:33 We should share some (L) with ki
8:33 (揮手)
01. Eric Kwok - Ripboy
02. Tats Lau - Ci Ke (Instrumental)
03. SENZA A Cappella - 我一伸手抱住我
04. 岑寧兒 - 常願意
05. 李榮浩 - 我愛你
06. 鄭伊健 - 甘心替代你
07. 林家謙 - 時光倒流一句話
08. 嚴正嵐 - 告白
09. 嚴正嵐 - 別瞎猜
10. 嚴正嵐 - 自由國度
11. 嚴正嵐 - I don't姑息
12. 嚴正嵐 - 滿星閃爍 (電視劇《老姑婆的古董老菜單》片尾曲)
13. 嚴正嵐 - 有什麼
14. 馮允謙 - 地球來的人
15. Jace Chan, 林家謙 - 隔離 (Studio Live Duet)
16. 梁漢文 - 再見童夢零
17. 林二汶 - 再聚
18. Serrini - ~旋轉with me*
19. AGA - 哈囉
20. 陳奕迅 - 致明日的舞
7:36 Hi everyone!
7:39 Beautiful group!
7:40 [The photo was uploaded]
7:41 [The photo was uploaded]
7:44 Yo Oscar!
7:44 New single not ready for this session yet I'm afraid
7:44 My apologies
7:47 Thx Pris! It's a great number indeed
7:49 Please have a ramen for me, @Ruby! :p
7:53 I read all...but may not be able to do so instantly m(_)m
7:55 Be patient pls
7:58 Talk after this song?
8:05 係。
8:06 I like him~
8:13 Too grateful for them to have created such a lovely medley
8:23 She is such a talent~
8:30 多謝Oscar!
8:31 Thank you very much, Terence!
8:31 Thank you, KKBOX!!
8:32 Last but not least, THANK YOU ALL for listening and sharing your thoughts
with us here!!!
8:33 We should share some (L) with ki
8:33 (揮手)