各位好,(魯妹不才在國外讀書,不是故意文章要夾雜英文) 教授教了equality, efficiency (不要問我他幹嘛不教equity...) 雖說名詞解釋了但我還是不太懂要怎麼分辨, 因為我在非英文系國家讀書但學校英文授課,我們母語都非英語,所以有時我也懷疑我是否誤會教授意思(他的敘述) 因此上來請教各位前輩.... 教授定義: 1. Efficiency: the society gets the maximum benefits from its scarce resources, 我自己找到定義:the optimal production and allocation of resources given existing factors of production. 2. equality: the benefits are distributed uniformly among the member of the society. 問題:explain whether each of the following government activities is motivated by a concern about equality or a concern about efficiency. In the case of efficiency, discuss the type of market failure 1.regulating water fee 我覺得兩者皆有,equality是因為使用者付費;efficiency因為礙於水費,大家會節制用水限度,所以沒被用到的水可以分給更多人使用 2.providing some poor people with vouchers that can be used to by food 只有equality,所以窮人可以如其他人一樣得到食物 3.prohibiting smoking in public places 兩者皆有,吸煙造成許多無形社會成本(健保支出),課稅增進equality不然沒抽的人要幫負擔健保費用不公平;而政府因為課稅增加稅收可再分配資源(efficiency) 4.breaking up the telephone monopoly into several smaller companies 只有equality,所以民眾有選擇其他家的自由、有選擇權 5.imposing higher personal income tax rates on people with higher incomes 兩者皆有,理由類似問題3 6.instituting laws against driving while intoxicated 兩者皆有,酒駕導致家破人亡,政府制定法律降低酒駕;民眾得以安心駕駛享受到用路公平 我承認我實在搞不懂有些題目跟efficiency, equality到底哪裡沾上邊?!再來是回答這些題目時是否要站在政府&百姓角度思考會有不同答案?請高手指證我的回答,我知道我的答案有錯,但我當局者迷啊...謝謝!