conpo (獅子たちの旗)
2014-05-04 11:14:432014.05.01
MSX1/MSX2 computer emulator for Windows has been updated. Changes:
- openMSX 0.10.1 mostly fixes bugs we introduced with 0.10.0 or were
already present for a bit longer... sorry for those, but most should
be fixed now :)
There are also some small but nice additions, like much extended MIDI
support on Mac (thanks Grauw!), support for harddisk images in the OSD
menu and more fine grained control in which slots carts and extensions
will end up. Together with openMSX an updated version of Catapult, our
user-friendly GUI, was released. Again, we actually made some
improvements to it this time, mostly more code cleanups to enable
quite some bug fixes (mainly in the settings tab), but also some
features, like ability to change cartridges at run time and support
for hard disks.