SpudACE v0.319 Changlog:
- FIXED: SpudACE crashed when stereo sound was deselected. [Pegaz]
- FIXED: Sound wasn't paused when doing UI related stuff. [Pegaz]
- FIXED: Auto rewind & focus statuses weren't being saved when SPudACE
was shut down. [Pegaz]
SpudACE is a new (2012) emulator written by Richard Chandler which
will emulate the Jupiter ACE. Some features so far:
- 100% accurate Z80 emulation.
- Drag and drop file loading.
- File Formats supported .tap .wav .ace .txt
- text file spooling
- Accurate sound emulation.
- Soft & hard rest.
- View modes 100%, 200% Full screen.
- Tape browser
- WAV browser
- Snapshot save (.ACE)
- Set screen colours white (Ace default), green or amber.
- Tools - SpudACE calculator
- Save & Load configuration
- Debugger
- View Registers
- View Memory
- View Disassembly
- PC logging