conpo (獅子たちの旗)
2016-05-31 11:58:172016.05.30
MADrigal CD Collection specifically combines all simulators Madrigal. This
set is in addition to the "Handheld Remakes (Simulators)" to comply with the
original name Madrigal simulators.
v59.25 Changelog:
- Parachute (Nintendo, Wide Screen) S4/1.08 (Standard 4, minor bug-fix)
- Parachute (Nintendo, Wide Screen) Source Code
v59.24 Changelog:
- Donkey Kong Circus (Nintendo, Panorama Screen) S4/1.07 (Standard 4, minor
- Mickey Mouse (Nintendo, Panorama Screen) S4/1.04 (Standard 4, minor bug-fix)
官方 http://www.madrigaldesign.it/sim/