conpo (獅子たちの旗)
2017-09-18 22:09:492017.09.16
Spectabis is a free custom frontend for PlayStation®2 emulator PCSX2.
Without tinkering for hours with settings for each game or creating
complicated setups for each game, Spectabis takes it all from your hands so
you enjoy what matters - your games. You can configure most of the emulation
settings, graphical settings, input, sound and manage shaders without leaving
Spectabis. Spectabis will handle your game files and appropriate box art
covers, connect you to game's PCSX2-Wiki page for even faster and easier game
library management.
Spectabis v1.0.6 changelog:
- Improve Wiki Searching for titles with special characters
- Add playtime indicator to game tiles
- Fix some files showing up as UNKNOWN (thanks to UrbanCMC)