conpo (獅子たちの旗)
2018-10-29 11:15:402018.10.27
melonDS is a new Nintendo DS emulator for Windows and Linux.
‧ fix possible crashes when exiting
‧ wifi: add basic access point melonAP (very beta)
‧ fix SMULWx/SMLAWx opcodes, fixes Sims 2 music
‧ add support for loading BIOS/firmware files and config file from AppData
or ~/.config/melonds or from the executable directory (hcorion)
‧ add 32-bit IPCSYNC reads/writes (Dirbaio)
‧ add savestates
‧ 3D: (hopefully) fix bug in shadow/AA interaction (visible in the MKDS
character select preview, bottom border of the platform thing)