BadGame (人生 歡樂易忘卻執著痛苦)
2018-12-26 03:06:20久違的耶誕節快樂 新DEMO釋出
In this demo::
12 characters selectable from the beginning:
Carolina, Liu Kang, Raiden: Kitana, Tusk, Jago, Fulgore, Orchid, Midas,
Batman, Robocop and The Chosen One (Carolina's version, after taking the
amulet of the elements).
8 Missions composed of 44 levels.
Multiple paths, which will affect the course of the adventure.
Each mission has a Bonus Stage at the end.
4 fatalities per hero, in addition to No Mercy.
Weapons, Knives, Bats with nails, with which you can execute the enemy.
New Stage Fatalities.
New bosses.
New look for the old enemies.
New "Combo Breaker" system.
Killer Instinct Style Announcer.
And a lot lot more...
Merry Christmas!!!