Re: [求助] Retro 4.4 藍芽手把設定問題

作者: rukawas (嵐)   2019-02-12 11:56:09
PS3手把就開始震動 產生共鳴後
Navigate to the "RetroPie" icon in the Home Screen and select it using
whatever key you mapped "A" to on your gamepad, and go to RetroPie Setup
Once in the RetroPie GUI, choose [Manage packages] > [driver].
Select PS3 Controller Driver ("ps3controller"), and then select [Install from
Once installation completes, exit RetroPie setup and return to the
EmulationStation Home Screen.
Press "Start" to enter the EmulationStation Menu, and select Configure Input.
Disconnect your PS3 controller from USB. Now hold the PS button on the
controller down until you see the lights on it flash sequentially. The
controller should now be connected via Bluetooth.
Emulation Station should now detect another gamepad connected. Hold any
button down on the controller to begin configuring it.
※ 引述《rukawas (嵐)》之銘言:
: 請問各位先進
: Retro 4.4這個版本
: 有沒有人成功設定PS3或PS4的手把
: 我按照google大神上面的藍芽手把設定步驟
: PS4跟PS3在Retro 4.4都無法成功連接
: 還是有哪邊的設定要更新呢?
: 另外
: 若是Retor 4.4不支援PS3或PS4的藍芽功能
: 那八位堂的藍芽手把有支援嗎
: 我的硬體是樹莓派3B+
: 軟體是RetroPie 4.4
: 手把為 PS3與PS4
: 麻煩各位先進解惑
: 謝謝
作者: kashin (小戶長日記)   2019-02-12 18:20:00

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