conpo (獅子たちの旗)
2019-06-10 19:38:272019.06.09
Following this came grafting Demiyax who created his own fork with UoYabause.
Devmiyax has allowed Yabause to go through important steps in the emulation
of the Saturn with many corrections (graphics, audio, features) but over time
the author, who renamed his fork in Yaba Sanshiro, put more on the version
android (and new features) than on Windows.
The fork of Francis tries to reconcile all the branches by taking the best of
Yabause and Yaba Sanshiro (formerly uoYabause), but by improving the port
Windows / Linux. The result as well in terms of compatibility as
functionality is without appeal: it is the best version (of Yabause) to use
if you are on Windows or Linux.
Here are the new features:
- Functionality: Complete overhaul of the OpenGL rendering engine (François
- Functionality: Visual Studio compilation support for x86 and x86_64. The
64-bit version of Kronos is available (François Care).
- Functionality: Alignment of debugging system on standard output (console
under Linux, DebugView under Windows).
- Functionality: Added transparency mode per frame (François Care). - FPS
Counter: Fixed problem on Sega Rally game with FPS counter off (François
- Saturn Emulation: Fixed a bios display problem with the OpenGL: Original
option (Original Saturn resolution) (François Care).
- Saturn Emulation: Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1: Fixed an
interlacing problem with the game missile command (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Athlete Kings: Correction of the character's shadow in
the long jump event (François Care).
- Saturn Emulation: Black Fire: Fixed the missing arrow on the menu (Franç
ois Care).
- Saturn emulation: Black Fire: Correction of the transparency on the menu
with the files (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Black Fire: Fixed big graphics problems in game, the game
is now playable (François Care).
- Saturn Emulation: Blam Machinehead:! Fixed a gradient problem on the break
menu (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Bug Too: Correction of the transparency of the pause menu
(François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Capcom Generation 4: Fixed a very old bug with the door
of the helicopter (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Code-R: the game is playable (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Crows - The Battle Action: Correction of the shadows
under the characters (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Dak Savior: Fixed a graphical problem on the memory
selection screen (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Deadalus: Fixed an artifact in the game when turning
right or left (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Decathlete: Correction of the shadow of the character in
the long jump test (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers - Akuma Zensho Dai-Ni-Shuu:
Fixed an interlacing problem (François Care).
- Saturn Emulation: Bessatsu Station Disc - I Miss You. Tanaka Katsumi:
Correction of blue shadows (François Care).
- Saturn Emulation: Discworld 2: Color Correction (François Care).
- Saturn Emulation: DodonPachi (Demo): The game is playable (François Care).
- Saturn Emulation: Doom: the game is playable. Correction of the
transparency of the ceiling and the floor (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Elf O Karu Monotachi - Hanafuda Hen: Correction of the
missing background on the dialogues (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Gale Racer: Fixed an artifact in the game (François
- Saturn Emulation: Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna - Mika Akitaka Illust Works:
Fixed over-exposure of photos (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Gyuwambler Jiko Chuushinha - Tokyo Mahjongland: The game
is now playable (François Care). - Saturn Emulation: JB Harold - Blue
Chicago Blues: Correction of the missing transparency in the menu (François
- Saturn emulation: Kuuso Kagaku Sekai Gulliver Boy: Blackout correction on
the introductory video (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius - Forever With Me: Correction
of transparency on clouds (François Care).
- Saturn Emulation: Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius - Forever With Me: Fixed a font
problem (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Keiou Yuugekitai - Katsugeki-Hen: Correction of the
missing background in the game (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Krazy Ivan: Correction of the sky display (François
- Saturn emulation: Ivan Krazy: Fixed the problem of displaying the font in
the game (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Linda ^ 3 Kanzenban: Correction of the highlighted menu
display (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Magic Knight Rayearth: Correction of fine lines in
dialogues (François Care).
- Saturn Emulation: MechWarrior 2 - 31st Century Combat - Arcade Combat
Edition: Correction of the background (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Minnesota Fats - Pool Legend: Black text correction (Fran
çois Care).
- Saturn Emulation: Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story - Optional Guide. Fixed an
interlacing problem (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Nekketsu Oyako: Correction of fine lines in the dialogues
(François Care).
- Saturn emulation: NHL 97: correction of missing flags (François Care).
- Saturn Emulation: Nightruth - Explanation Of The Paranormal 01 - Yami No
Tobira: Fixed a graphic problem on the menu (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Night Striker S: Correction of zig zags on the lines of
the road (François Care).
- Saturn Emulation: Nissan Presents - Over Drivin 'GT-R: Fixed an in game
display problem (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Off World Interceptor: Fixed the black screen in the
game, the game is now playable (François Care).
- Saturn Emulation: Nissan Presents - Over Drivin 'GT-R: Fixed a display
problem in photos (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Riglord Saga 2: Fixed boot. The game is now playable
- Saturn emulation: Sakura Taisen 2: Fixed artifacts on the dialogue screen
in the game (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Sonic 3D: Fixed a problem of priority (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Sword & Sorcery: The game now works (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Tomb Raider: Correction of the missing transparency on
the pause menu (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Virtual Hydlide: Fixed the map that was not displayed
(François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Wing Arms: Fixed a display problem during the transition
(François Care).
- Translation: Update of the French translation (Benjamin Siskoo).
- Translation: Update Spanish translation (LuismaSP89).
- Translation: Update of the German translation (LuismaSP89).
- Translation: Fixed a problem with some translation strings (Benjamin
- Miscellaneous: Alignment of Musashi (François Care).
- Miscellaneous: Rename the option "Skip image / Limiter" in Vertical
Synchronization (François Care).
- Miscellaneous: Testing games with the letters M, N and O on the wiki
(Benjamin Siskoo).
- Miscellaneous: Fixed transparency on controllers buttons (Benjamin Siskoo).
- Miscellaneous: Deleting the log window. Use debugview
(https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/debugview) for
Windows (François Care).
- Miscellaneous: Update Kronos file Read Me.html (ST-V compatibility). Update
of the Comparison Table.html (Benjamin Siskoo).
- Miscellaneous: Various fixes (François Care).