※ 引述《summroak (summroak)》之銘言:
: "Chicago wheat futures soars to near -14 month high as global crop
: outlook dims" the sentence means
: 1) The wheat prices go up and which makes the future of crop prices will
: go even higher.
: 2) The wheat prices go up and which makes the future of crop prices will
: go down.
: 3) The soaring price make the information on email go darker.
: 4) The information on email will grow dramatically.
: 答案為 2
: 我的解讀是 當global crop 前景黯淡 但芝加哥的小麥期貨卻創14個月來新高
: 這整句應該怎麼翻譯才正確 ??
作者翻譯的是對的, 但答案沒有一個是對的!
當全球小賣前景黯淡, 但芝加哥小麥期貨卻上升到14個月的新高.
並無因果關係, 所以 1) 和 2) 答案是錯的!
3) 和 4) 無意義!