[請益] 想請版上前輩們批改文章

作者: htjnt0703 (常威)   2016-06-11 18:41:29
經濟學人文章主題是 Of banks and bureaucrats(不能貼網址內容,說有廣告嫌疑)
我自己寫的文章如下,再請各位給我點建議了 謝謝
(如果這樣去考雅思 或托福大概多少呢?我知道字數太少...)
The recenly news suggest that India's banking system confront a unwelthy
economic issue: Bank hava been damaged by its lenders. Because India has
soared their loan to mini credit and politician using their politic power to
get loan to supply money to their cronies. Besides, the bankers have wildly
optimistc about the economic make situation worse.
Banks have positive correlation with economy. When economic enviorment is
in boomed and active. The corporates always need a lot of money to investment
their factory or R&D in order to keep their competitivenesss. By borrowing
money from banks is always a traditional way to get funds. But it is
countrary to India. According to statistic bureau released data recently
shows that despite India's economic growth in GDP of 7.9%, one of the top
economic growths in the world. However, India's lender have lost over 200
billion rupees in recent quarter.
Soaring mini credit to those SME is popular to India in previous years.
It makes some companys which can not afford interest and amount to get bank
credit limited. And other corporates who have huge influence in India using
their powerful to dominate banks. These abusing loan makes bank cannot get
their money back.
To solve these problem. RBI prefer to consolidated 27 banks into less
than half numbers. Morever, Privating those state-owned banks is a method to
deal with these problem. But the most important things for India is to remove
their old idas that Banks should be owned by government.
謝謝各位的協助 感恩
作者: kee32 (終於畢業了)   2016-06-11 19:15:00
作者: lovemelissa (冰雪奇緣)   2016-06-11 19:24:00
作者: gentianpan   2016-06-11 19:41:00
建議作者先用word 的內建文法檢查修正一下吧
作者: kaifrankwind (大師兄)   2016-06-11 19:47:00
都在看經濟學人了 不會覺得自己寫的文法跟它的差很多嗎...
作者: htjnt0703 (常威)   2016-06-11 19:58:00
作者: lovemelissa (冰雪奇緣)   2016-06-11 23:55:00
考托福雅斯作文一定爆 先不說字數 文法錯太多了舉例來說 你光單複數就錯一堆了。。尤其托福有電腦輔助評分 文法錯很多分數一定低
作者: Yahweh (Y a h w e h)   2016-06-12 00:36:00
作者: CrystalHu (JJ's wife)   2016-06-12 09:53:00
ielts 文章結構是正反面論述或列點 等,這樣很難決定分數吧而且很多基本面不夠紮實..加油

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