Assistant wanted who can enter data “using Excel” and look up and print out information. Went into research to enter kanji “using Kana-Kanji conversion“ in 1971 This is the same validation Receivables performs when youmanually enter receipts ”using the Receipts window“. 小弟最近開始看一些英文文章 但有一個英文文法看得不是很懂 更不太曉得怎麼翻譯 所以上來求問 上面的的用法好像不是名詞和副詞子句 應該是形容詞子句 又因為後面接的是using而不是used,所以應該是which(代指data、kanji、receipts)被省略掉 也就是說後面的using……是用來形容前面的data、kanji、receipts,不曉得這樣想對不對??
Using: enter data using ExcelBy using: enter data by using Excel兩者的文法都正確且可以被理解, 在大多數的情況下是相同的, 但有時候會有很細微的semantic difference
作者: Adaisatoo 2021-09-27 00:04:00
I finished my homework (by) using Jack's computer.我用Jack的電腦完成我的回家功課。by省略掉了He makes beer using traditional methods. (oald例句)他用傳統的方法製作啤酒。 using前的by省略掉了