iwbyaf (Claire)
2013-10-25 00:52:52Hi, I'm Claire.
Have been a long time not introduce myself in English. Haha..
I would like to say that I feel so great to find the board that everyone
chats, talks, shares or asks things they want here. I never found it
since i've used ptt for couple years. > <"
I used to study in Cincinnati, Ohio and had been back to Taiwan
for one more year. Feeling pity that seldom oppotunities to be able to
speak English due to environment of Taiwan.
Happy to be here to introduce a little bit about myself to everyone.
I live in Taichung, and 24 years old which formal things need to be mentioned
At last, nice to meet everyone here no matter what reason makes
you here. For learning, improving or just like it, or others.
Let's make ourselves better here.
:) The End!
Ryuce (魯師)
0000-00-00 00:00:00um no offence but for someone who has studied in Americayour english seems pretty poor. but anyways nice to meet you :) and well i live in Taichung too.
作者: kuroleo (天天都要開心) 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Neet to meet you,too. ^^
*offense*; agree with poor grammar; but glad to seemore people showing up in this forum
Ryuce (魯師)
0000-00-00 00:00:00well actually "offence" is the british spelling while "offense" is the american. its like "license" and "licence" same thing different spelling.
Most people learn "American English" though.For example, most people say "sweaters" not jumpersBut I guess words like "colour" or offence are moreacceptable now
oldmei (meimei)
0000-00-00 00:00:00be nice.
How do you expect people not to be offended whenyou say something like that?...pretty insensitiveif you ask meWelcome Claire :)
Ryuce (魯師)
0000-00-00 00:00:00why would anyone say "no offense" when the thing they'reabout to say isn't at all offensive?"no offense but you're a good singer.""no offense but you're beautiful."right..makes perfect sense
oldmei (meimei)
0000-00-00 00:00:00no offence, but you really want to offend ppl.
Not sure you read the comments correctly.1st person said no offense and criticized Claire'spoor grammar. I commented on the spelling, and hesaid it's "British spelling". And I said most peoplelearn "American English", not British English.
LOL Ryuce, thanks a lot for your examples, but whathas it got to do with what YOU said?"um no offence but for someone who has studied inAmerica your english seems pretty poor"...So youdon't think people would be offended by what yousaid? It's quite a harsh thing to say to someonewho's new to the board and even made the effort tointroduce themselves to everyone. SO WHAT if theirgrammar isn't perfect? It's so important that youfelt the need to point that out in public?Ridiculous.So I guess you wouldn't be offended if I said "nooffence Ryuce, but you're a jerk"?Btw nkotb131, there's nothing wrong with usingBritish English in Taiwan, even though majority ofthe people uses American English.
"No offense" is just a polite way to criticize,doesn't mean it's not offensive or harshand he was right in saying that a person whohad lived in America for so long still uses poorgrammar. Besides, without criticism, how will anyoneimprove? Sure, people can use nicer words, butrude comments are just as effective
But who are we to criticize others?
Ryuce (魯師)
0000-00-00 00:00:00Why don't you ask yourself that same exact question since, ironically, you are criticizing me for criticizing others. Face it, you're no different.I've sent a PM to the OP apologizing for my commentsso let's just end this hereor would you rather continue?
We should end it here. Sorry that this had dragged onfor song long
Yes you're right, in this instance, I'm nodifferent; but why would I be discreet with someonewho bluntly lashed out at others in the firstplace? It sucks when you're the one that's beencriticized by a stranger in public doesn't it? Mypoint made.Alright let's move on. Have a good weekend everyone
2012-01-02 00:47:00to me ilovepasta, youre just making a big deal out ofthis. i mean ryuce obviously wasnt tryin to be offensiv
What's the big deal?Maybe he wasn't trying to be offensive, but Ithought what he said was quite insensitive.
2012-01-02 14:53:00*conclusion* iwbyaf:should improve Englishryuce: insensitiveilovepasta: too sensitive
oldmei (meimei)
2012-01-02 20:04:00The title here is intro not please check my grammarIf your foreigner friend introduces himself in mandarinWill you say something of the same insensitivity in pubForeignThere is a better way to show off ones superiority
KAIDO8:Thinks he knows it all XD
2012-01-05 14:52:00can't agree with you more, oldmei.
作者: aquamoose (飛天水麋鹿) 2012-01-05 18:53:00
well...I don't think Ryuce really wants to beoffensiveBut yea, i agree when people starts a sentence with"no offense", i be pissed off tooit pretty much implies that you realize what you'resaying is potentially offensivebut if you feel the need to start a sentence withno offense, sugar coat what youre gonna say, so itdon't come off as harsh