I just read through few articles posted in here.
I really have to say something.
This is my first time in this wall.
There are some commons for the English learners.
1. If you are no more kids, which below 12 years old, I will no more
encourage you to write as much as you can. You seriously need to improve and
study your grammar first. It is totally fine to make simple sentence without
hard structures to describe your feeling. But, it is really important to make
the grammar of your sentence correct! A sentence with correct grammar can let
people understand what you write; however, a sentence without correct grammar,
no matter how hard the structure of the sentence you try to use, no one will
understand what you write. And, grammar is seriously something that you have
to study and it's bored.
2. If you have no one to correct your writing, no matter how many articles
you wrote, you won't improve. Please find an instructor for your needs.
3. Reading is a good way to improve your writing skills, but please study
your grammar first before you write. You are no more a kid.
I would seriously like to correct for each one of you, but the system of bbs
is seriously not that easy to operate for me.
good luck for everyone.
May god be with you.
作者: tribalangel 2014-02-27 12:39:00
You made so many mistakes yourself in that littlerant of yours, and yet you want to give other people on here a hard time? Making mistakes in the process of learning English has nothing to do with being a kid or not. Also, not everyone has the money or resources to get a tutor. People who make aneffort to speak another language should be encouraged, not chatised for not being perfect.