niljch (tesla)
2014-04-04 06:29:39Name: Julia
Nickname: N/A
Birthday: Nov.'92
Hobbies: Can't even begin to list.
Occupation: College student. I was in UW then transferred to SAIC
How long have you been learning English? Seven years.
What does English mean to you? What do you like about it? It's
literally everyday life for me. I just thought maybe some people
on this board would be interested in having conversations with an
almost-native speaker.
Any tips about learning English? Immersion and patience. Surround
yourself with as much Emglish material as possible. Don't be afraid to
to mistakes and ask questions.
Any other information about yourself? I had to go through the
incredibly difficult process of learning an entire langauge myself
and I would be very happy to share tips or clarify confusions about
learning English. I'm also here to just chat if anyone would like a
conversation partner.
作者: ji3su3w8 ( ) 2014-04-04 12:44:00
Hello! I like to!
作者: niljch (tesla) 2014-04-04 13:30:00
How would you like to go about it?
作者: niljch (tesla) 2014-04-05 09:04:00
→Hi! Nice to meet you too if you'd like to chat.
krock422 (Kelly)
2014-04-05 13:31:00Hello there :)
Sure~ I just afraid I cant chat fluent lyfluently...
作者: niljch (tesla) 2014-04-09 14:54:00
That's alright! No one starts fluently. I didn't.