dosandonts (Catalano is A+)
2015-07-01 05:59:41※ 引述《gilbertkuo (小少爺)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《dosandonts (米粉般的女人一無所有)》之銘言:
: : I am sick more severe due to the
: : deterioration of the relationship between Mr. young boy
: : and me.
: : I feel that I am dying .
: : It's like no breathe and cannot stand resulting in struggling.
: : Help!
: : I feel the death is closer and closer.
: You need some medical care and consultant.
Thank you.
I'll be fine.
Recently I didn't contact Mr. young boy for a week.
I think that he doesn't call me due to the business peak time.
Understanding the situation, it is more relaxing from now on.
Thank you again.