[Talk] Line Chatting group

作者: casmart (casmart)   2015-08-19 13:14:38
We create a Line group in order to help people to use English.
If you feel interesting, please add Line ID and say you want to join.
Line ID: jjlinisme
Thanks a lot. Please say that you want to join English conversation group.
作者: youmustbe (我變貓的女僕了)   2015-08-26 01:01:00
i already added your line id,but it's late to sendthe message , i leave mine here. my id is erikaka
作者: casmart (casmart)   2015-09-01 16:56:00
Cannot find your ID Please add jjlinisme
作者: Honeycan (honeycan)   2015-09-21 16:05:00
Can I still get in?I really want to practice my English speaking skill.Group discussion may help me improve it :)line ID:a836181994
作者: cancan18 (18號)   2015-10-07 19:56:00
lineid breakboycanthanks alot!!

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