Partner with English conversation

作者: bmelon0724 (Hank)   2016-08-18 21:36:19
Hi there! Today I joined a foreigner party, but still can't speak in English i
n confidence in front of them. Actually, I can speak confidently with someone
who are not English native speaker, such as Japanese or Korean. Because if sai
d something wrong, I might not think that 100% of my fault (maybe the opposite
don't really understand English, too. Haha)
I always know the best approach to learn language is to immerse in that enviro
nment. However, I can realize around 60% they are talking about than before 20
% in the end of party...
So I hope there is someone who can conversation with me in good English.
If you are not a Chinese speaker, we might in language exchange manner.
Nice to post here.

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