This is the first time coming here.
I've started to rollerblade since from high shool. Now I'm 34, and I still
do the rollerblading because I really really realy... love it. I spent so much
time in this game so that I felt a little bit hurt which started in this April
. I thoutht it wasn't a big deal so didn't care of it at beginning. However, it
kept bothering me and made me give up doing any exercise. If I tried to squart
or jump, my right knee would be hurt very much. 3 days ago,I made a firm
resolution to go to the recommended clinic about physiotherapy. I got 4
injections. I had to baer it for my knee even it scared me, haha!. I found it
is muich better now and feel less pain on my knee if trying to bend down or
jump up a little bit. Moreover, I have to do the specific physiotherapy to
strengthen my muscle around my knee. I really hope it could get better so I
can do my favorite sport
作者: rrr518 (理沙) 2016-10-22 11:17:00
作者: triplefree (少女沒有排隊) 2016-10-22 21:53:00
3r u should cheer him up
作者: rrr518 (理沙) 2016-10-22 21:55:00
I know how u feel, because my wrist also get hurtand i cant play badminton often QQ
作者: triplefree (少女沒有排隊) 2016-10-22 21:56:00
3r good jovJob
作者: rrr518 (理沙) 2016-10-22 21:57:00
it's very sad when i realized that i cant play it inthe future XD
作者: triplefree (少女沒有排隊) 2016-10-22 22:02:00
3 dont be sad
作者: rrr518 (理沙) 2016-10-22 22:02:00
it's fine ~
作者: JaCkY27kUo (\OoO/) 2016-10-23 00:33:00
I went to rollerblade today & i felt it's muchbetter now
作者: rrr518 (理沙) 2016-10-23 07:31:00