dosandonts (Catalano is A+)
2016-11-15 13:44:21Sorry to jump in! I feel embarrased. Sorry!
I might have some feelings towards such a species due to my imagination
about the octopus in the movie of "Pirates of the Caribbean".
In the movie "At World's End", the witch has been escaped from the curse
of the 9 pirate kings.
But before that, she had met her lover "Davy Jones" and it's her lover
who proposed to send her in jail with the shape of a human.
Finally, it turns that they love each other but they torture each other
instead of romance.
What I'm saying is that the species of this topic about the octopus of
the deep sea reminds me of the movie's feature "Davy Jones" although
he might seem as a squid instead.
Furthermore, my close friends all met the same questions after their
more than 10 years' marriage which are "no feelings" "wanna divorce".
Therefore, is it the outcome of being loved too much that ppl get departed?
Or tortured?
Why do we know each other so that we give up each other?
It sounds political as the story of "Three Kingdom Era".
"To know is to believe, and to see is to undrstand."
Just murmur and thinking about some of the paradox.
Hopefully this is not offesive.
Thank you and Merry Xmas~
※ 引述《rrr518 (理沙)》之銘言:
: Of the many joys of being a scientist, discovering a new species must rank
: right up there near the top; and for the lucky ones who get to classify them,
: bestowing a name must be rewarding beyond measure. Such an honor, but such a
: responsibility too.
: Such is the task set before Stephanie Bush, a researcher at the Monterey Bay
: Aquarium Research Institute, who has been working to classify a deep-sea
: cephalopod from the genus Opisthoteuthis, which up to now has gone unnamed.
: Before a new species can be named, it needs to be thoroughly studied to
: determine how it is unique from other species that may be closely related.
: The description and classification – and name – are then published as
: papers in scientific journals. Opisthoteuthis is also being studied closely
: for a better understanding of how the creature “works” and how it plays a
: part in the bigger deep-sea ecosystem.
: But back to the name; where does one even begin? For Bush, it might be easy.
: She describes the wee cutie as really gelatinous and fragile, and with huge
: eyes. With its upper fins reminiscent of giant ears, it looks like something
: straight out of a Hayao Miyazaki animation.
: “One of the thoughts I had was making it Opisthoteuthis adorabilis," says
: Bush, "because they’re really cute.” And really, what else could one
: possibly name this adorable creature?
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv7DfebpL7E
: Source:
: https://goo.gl/z5xMx8