wunjo (wunjo)
2017-07-20 10:46:28Just come and join us.
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<Bliss Meeting Notice> “攻敵必救Miss Sloane ” by Archer on July 22, 2017
Not just a “Movie”
Nor only “English Learning”
It is a demand on “Critical Thinking” through the heated debates and intertwined political schemes in the Congressional Hearing!!
Let’s enjoy the “Intellectual Gymnastics” via the movie “Miss Sloane" under the guidance of Host Archer on July 22, 2017!!!
“No pains, No gains”: It surely pays after your efforts to research “Miss Sloane” and prepare “Theme Question” before the meeting:
To help facilitate the meeting and focus the interesting points in Archer’s “Miss Sloane”, here are some researches for reference:
A. “攻敵必救Miss Sloane ” Introduction
1. Party A: A lobbying firm Cole Kravitz & Waterman, Senator Ronald Sperling, stand for the party for the gun-purchase.
2. Party B: A rival lobbying firm Peterson Wyatt ,Sloane, Esme, Rodolfo Schmidt(the head of PW) , Jane Molley in Party A, represent the party in promoting Heaton-Harris Bill for gun-purchase control
3. The movie uses reverse- order narrative
(1) Congressional Hearing : Sloane’s bribery scandal violating lobbying ethics via the exposure of which Sloane unveiled the Party A’s schemes at cost of her imprisonment
(2) Back to 3 months and a week ago, Sloane quitted Party A to Party B. (reverse order)
(3) After her imprisonment a few months later, a lawyer told Sloane that H-H Bill had already passed
B. USA Constitution Preface:
“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish the Constitution for the United States of America.”
C. 2nd Amendment
(1) A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
(2)Ref to the judgment for defendant 2008 and 2010.
The court held that the 2nd amendment recognized an individual’s right to process and carry a firearm unconnected with militia service.
D. NRA, short for American Rifle Association, a non-profit association but regarded as a typical gun- purchase profit organization.
E. Others TBD in the meeting
F. Theme Question for any attendee to answer after self-introduction at 1540:
“Do you agree Taiwanese citizens should legally own guns under certain conditions? Why or why not?”
1430 USA Constitution
1510 2nd Amendment
1530 Break
1540 Self introduction & Theme Question
1600 News and stories
1630 Break
1640 Obama and Bush
1700 Discussion - would you change your mind?
1730 Adjournment