JI1 (HauHau)
2019-05-15 01:22:50for anyone or whosoever, life has its down times for certain.
the lowest point of life is where one loses his or her confidence
completely in the sense that he or she has no clue of anything
now, before, or ahead.
reading the bible is the way to pick up confidence. confidence
lies where you believe that all men are good by nature, and
that life is worth living and fighting for, and that god
created men in his own image, and that marriage is between
a man and a woman.
bible is the source of life and living, in the sense that
it is the origin of spiritual strength, and spiritual strength
is the power to lift one up, the origin of living, or life.
there are times when one could pray to god, or simply talk
to jesus, but afterall, you are the one living for yourself,
and that the bible is the source of all faith, and that
one should definitely learn it.