JI1 (HauHau)
2019-06-27 23:21:10i have learned that being a perfect human being is a lot more complicated
than it seems to be.
i dreamed of talking to the mathematician bertrand russell, who has
in-depth knowledge also in philosophy, and has a noble heart for
political and social issues, and is a lovely gentleman.
he was not a christian, saying that jesus felt boastful when
didacting the multitude, as he feels and concludes his reading the bible.
to me, being a christian, and as a chrsitian myself, is a must, in
the sense that one needs to rely on god and confess your sins, and
repent to learn to love one another. however, i realised that many
of which believe in the same thing have fought against god, like
chairman mao, karl marx, friedrich nietsche, charles darwin,...etc..
finally, to me, just learn to love your family, be a nice and honest
person, and have a happy life. rely on god, and do what you like to do.
john 3:16 for god so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.