Re: [問題] 義大利國鐵訂票問題

作者: farewellyou (默默寒暑)   2016-05-22 01:04:27
以下是義鐵的回覆 供參
we inform you that from June 12 will be in place the summer schedule, before
that date timetables and availability may be partial. The remaining part of
the summer 2016 will be put on sale later.
As under current law, reservations can be made in advance of 4 months. In
cases such as the periodic change of the train timetable, the time in advance
to reserve can be reduced.
※ 引述《jonathandj (dan)》之銘言:
: 從上個月開始在找7月多從米蘭到五漁村的火車票
: 但發現時刻表都遲遲尚未出來,
: 這兩天發現時刻表出來了,但都沒有早鳥票!
: 昨天看票價都超貴,且只有Base車廂。
: 今天看則是有些時段已經賣完了,目前還有看到20歐的....(之前早鳥票只要9歐)
: 很猶豫要不要先買起來
: 但是又很怕之後會有早鳥票釋出
: 有版大可以給點建議嗎 QQ
作者: jonathandj (dan)   2016-05-22 18:15:00

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