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各位版友好,我們於義大利時間6/11住進義大利La spezia 都某間公寓裡的民宿。之後於
we have reported to the Italian authorities for the damage they have caused. y
ou have urinated and defecated in the rooms. ashamed. put immediately the mone
y in the credit card to charge for the damage you have done. we are sending th
e photographs to your consulate in Italy. we are waiting no longer than three
days and then contact you.
This is a very serious accusation. I have just checked with all my friends an
d none of us did such thing to your room! Please rechecked if this is the exac
t room we resided yesterday (4F, No.17).
Besides, we really have no reason to do that, we all lived in that room, too!
There is no possibility we urinate or defecate on the bed.
I kindly ask you to send us the photos you took, if possible, and please tell
us which bed exactly was damaged.
This is a very weird and strange situation. We left the room at 8:00 am this m
orning and passing by the counter to check out, but the door was locked and we
did not meet you. Therefore, we leave the keys on the tables in the room, as t
he letter in an envelope suggest us to do so. Then we just went had our breakf
ast and took the train at 9:00. Again, it is not possible that we did such dir
ty and shaming thing. We had a really tight schedule today and there was no ti
me for doing so. We wish that you just sent the email to the wrong person. Ple
ase rechecked the room number and video tapes, if there is any.
We're so shocked to be informed such disgusting thing. There must be some mist
akes and we really hope this can be figured out as soon as possible.
Please contact us if you have anything to update, thank you.
dear sir I assure you that the defecation and urine, as well as dirt left, med
lar stones, broken glass is just the room occupied by you. the photographs we
will send them to your embassy.
Do you have any monitor or video tape to demonstrate who might enter the room
? We are so confused to this situation because we DID NOT do such thing! Is th
ere any possibility that animals or other person broke into the room? I have a
lso contacted our embassy to help us in this emergent condition. I kindly ask
you also send those photos to us, so that we can figure out what might have ju
st happened. Thank you.
Please contact us by phone, immediately.
We kept calling your hotel phone number but no one answered.
Our phone number: +8869xxxxxxxx
Thank you.
our rulers have come into your room after your departure. It was just you is o
nly you had the keys you have left isto in the room. They took seven hours to
clean it out of your crap. there is an accurate photographic record and testim
ony of the two rulers. we have already written. you know what you have done as
well as all the dirt you have left. we will send it to our lawyer. we think w
e have done this on purpose.
後面還有好幾封信件 礙於版面,有需要再截圖附上