This is a difficult message to write to the @Arsenal fans that I've
playedfor over the past few years. I'm really deeply disappointed by the
fact that I have not been registered for the @premierleague season for the
time being. Upon signing my new contract in 2018, I pledged my loyalty
and allegiance to the club that I love, Arsenal, and it saddens me that
this has not been reciprocated. As I have just found out, loyalty is hard
to come by nowadays. I've always tried to remain positive from week to week
that there's maybe a chance to get back in the squad soon again. That's why
I kept silent so far. Before the Coronavirus break I was really happy with
the development under our new coach Mikel Arteta - we've been on a positive
way and I would say my performances were on a really good level.
But then things changed, again, and I was not longer allowed to play
football for Arsenal. What else can I say? London still feels like home,
I still have many good friends in this team, and I still feel a strong
connection with the fans of this club. No matter what, I will keep fighting
for my chance and not let my 8th season at Arsenal end like this. I can
promise you that this hard decision won't change anything in my mindset -
I will continue to train as best as I can and wherever possible use my
voice against inhumanity and for justice.
#M1Ö #YaGunnersYa