63. The Committee is deeply concerned about the large amount of online and offlinematerial, including drawings and virtual representations, depicting non-existing children orpersons appearing to be children involved in sexually explicit conduct, and about theserious effect that such material can have on children’s right to dignity and protection. TheCommitteencouragestates parties to include in their legal provisions regarding childsexual abuse material (child pornography) representations of
non-existing children or ofpersons appearing to be children, in particular when such representations are used as part ofa process to sexually exploit children.
聯合國提倡會員國(日本也是會員國)制定法規,將看二次元蘿莉的本子/影片/遊戲裸露 視同看真人兒童色情片
所以 以後傑克會變這樣嗎..