※ 引述《roxinnccu (觸身球專家)》之銘言:
: 推 windclound: 可是人家Bottas跑得好好的... 06/11 12:03
: 推 hosichin: 小黑這場就一直找不到感覺的樣子,從練習到排位到最後正 06/11 16:26
: → hosichin: 賽都這樣 QQQQ 06/11 16:26
但總之 HAM表是因為少選了很多粉胎,所以週五沒測到粉胎,FP3才拿出用
(歷史教訓,HAM 只要輪胎軟就需要摸很久,偏偏週五又沒摸....)
Hamilton “thought the engine was going to blow” during race
比賽中 HAM 一度以為引擎要炸了
Straight from the start, got down to turn two, power started dropping out,
"So there’s lots of hesitation, dropping in power.
I thought the engine was going to blow.”"
Toto Wolff. “We had a problem on the cooling of the car.
It ran hot straight from the first lap.
“We tried to manage the situation but eventually needed to stop to get on
top of the problem.”
Mercedes used Hamilton’s pit stop to remove cooling panels around Hamilton’
s head rest to improve ventilation
賓士車隊在提早的進站中拆了 HAM 頭部附近的一些冷卻相關蒙皮讓車子更通風一點