嗨大家好 不好意思想請假大家一個問題 我的股票因太久沒登入 被Delaware 州政府收回 我已經按照他的指示,上傳了護照、身分證及戶籍謄本英文版 但他還是持續跳針要我提供以下資料: ‧ Legible color copy of claimant’s second government issued photo ID. This m ust include front& back of ID or cover, data page, and photo page of passport. Canadian citizens may submit a legible color copy of their social insurance c ard. ‧ Provide a copy of your birth certificate (long form) ‧ If any documentation being provided is in a language other than english, pl ease submit the original executed document AND a certified english translation of each document 請問萬能的大神 我還可以提供什麼? 謝謝你們!