今早在申請TD開戶後,發現現在的開戶文件 上,僅允許傳真及郵寄了,而TD官方寄信給 我,要求我們補足文件的mail也是donotreply 的寄件者名稱。 以下為信件內容: Return all pages, along with your deposit, to the address noted on the applica tion. You can also include a Trusted Contact Authorization form if you'd like. We'll process your account application as soon as we receive the documents. 其中the address noted on the application應 該就是指申請書上的郵寄及傳真訊息。 想請問是否最近有人開戶也有發現只能郵寄或傳真而無法利用電子郵件的情況? 謝謝大家