小弟是新手 最近看一檔bpy,同時又發現還有一檔是bpyu 網上說明是一樣的(如下),兩個還可以一比一的交換 About Brookfield Property REIT Inc. Brookfield Property REIT Inc. is a subsidiary of Brookfield Property Partners L.P., (NASDAQ: BPY; TSX: BPY.UN) one of the world’s largest commercial real estate companies, with approximately $87 billion in total assets. Brookfield Property REIT Inc. was created as a public security that is intended to offer economic equivalence to an investment in Brookfield Property Partners in the form of a U.S. REIT stock. 但bpy需要扣30%的股利稅,請問各位前輩兩者差異在哪裡呢?bpyu是有稅負上的優勢嗎? 有請大神們解惑m(_ _)m