更 我找到Schwab fee大全了,目前最新版2021 April 需要的人可以下載。 另外本題答案確實需要1000鎂沒錯。 https://www.schwab.com/pricingguide Minimum Deposit Requirement—The minimum amount that must be deposited and maintained in an account to avoid account closure. For Schwab One International®Accounts, the amount that must be maintained in an account is $1,000—lower than the Minimum Deposit Requirement. ======================== 大大好 新手開戶請教 上網查了很多資料 嘉信開戶門檻是25k usd 也有查到有人說帳戶最低要求餘額是1000usd 請問是股票+現金 1000usd? 但我到官網去看好像沒有限制? 是我理解錯誤? 還是這是只限美國人? https://www.schwab.com/public/eac/account_features/brokerage_account 1. No minimum account balances There is no minimum balance requirement for your Schwab One brokerage account. Open a Schwab One brokerage account for your investment needs. Open a linked Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking® account for your bank checking needs. There is no minimum balance requirement for either account. 2. Zero monthly service fees The Schwab One brokerage account comes with no monthly service fees. Get a linked Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking account with no monthly fees either. 感謝大大解惑