投影片 http://slidesha.re/SLJ5AL http://bit.ly/12xN3xA
※ 引述《fourdollars (四元)》之銘言:
: ** 歡迎轉載 **
: 講者簡介/Bio:
: David Wu is a principal software engineer at HTC. He works on the social
: network team for HTC Sense, responsible for adding “social touches” to the
: overall user experience. He is one of the core developers behind HTC Friend
: Stream.
: In his free time he is also an active participant in the free software
: community in Taiwan. He is a regular at both the Taipei Open Source Software
: User Group and Hacking Thursday.
: 大綱/Agenda:
: The increasing popularity of the Android platform over the past two years has
: encouraged many talented developers to contribute. Developers no longer need to
: invent their own wheels from scratch. Instead, many open source tools and
: libraries are becoming available for Android developers. In this talk we will
: take a deep dive into Android programming and how developers can leverage open
: source tools to bootstrap their Android apps. We will also talk about how
: developers can contribute back to the open source community.
: 活動資訊/Info:
: 報名:http://registrano.com/events/a22ba4 (統計人數及活動變更通知)
: 時間:2012/12/18 星期二,活動時間 7:00pm 開始,6:00pm 開始入場
: 主題:A Deep Dive into Open Source Android Development
: 主講人:David Wu (wuman)
: 語言: Chinese/中文
: 地點: Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
: 備用地點: 如果 Mix Coffee & Tea 沒開請至對面的 丹堤咖啡 Dante Coffee
: 消費: 店家的低銷兩百元以下,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,
: 有名片的朋友記得帶到。
: 注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。
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