※ 引述《bestpika (飛影‧忌子)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《jeffreyshe (jeffrey)》之銘言:
: : 推文有人提到三個月免費會直接被吃掉
: : 不過我的帳號從未使用amazon cloud drive
: : 先花5鎂買了一年之後才去開通cloud drive
: : 仍然有選項讓我免費用3個月
: : 我點選之後左下顯示
: : Paid plan starts March 1,2016
: : 我這樣是變成一年三個月還是我的五鎂被吃了?
: 我寫信去跟 Amazon 要,他們這樣回我
: Please be informed that once you activate any promotion in your account,
: then the free trail in your account is replaced by the promotion
: applied to your account.
: 簡單來說就是,只要買了,方案就從購買日開始計算
: 前一篇有人 Paid plan starts March 1,2016 請到 Amazon 訂單檢查有沒有一筆
: Amazon Cloud Drive - Unlimited Online Storage (1 Year Plan) 訂單
: 沒有的話,恭喜你 3/1 之後會收 59.99 鎂
: 還有個說 plan ends February 28,2016 的你根本還在試用期沒有買方案
: 大概就這樣
可是我後來寫信去問 客服這樣回我耶
I would like you to know that, if you purchase a 1 year Unlimited Cloud Drive
subscription while you are currently subscribed to the free trial, you will
be charged for the 1 year on the same day of purchase.
But, the 1-Year Cloud subscription will begin at the end of the Free trial on
your account.
這應該是說你會在購買當天就被扣款 但是一年付費方案會在試用期結束後開始計算?