昨天的收到的 email,內容如下:(有些翻譯內容可能不完整) Solidfiles is staying online! (Solidfiles 正保持在線上!) After our previous announcement a lot of you reached out wanting to help, and we really appreciate that. We are very happy to say that we are now optimistic about keeping Solidfiles online. We are very sorry for panicking you with the previous announcement and we'll make sure to never do so again. (因為很多使用者們伸出支援,站方對於之前的宣布對各位使用者造成恐慌感到很抱歉, 並且確定不會再做出相同的事情) In order to show you how sorry we are, these actions are being taken: (為了向你展現我們多麼的抱歉,這些活動正進行中:) Increased the download speed limit for free users and guests. (對於 免費使用者 和 訪客,增加了下載速度) (Increased 應該改成 Increasing) 60 days of FREE trial if you sign up for Premium! (如果你註冊成為 優質使用者,有 60 天的免費試用期) If you were a Premium user before, we will give you 60 days of bonus Premium time for FREE. Simply click here to reactivate your Premium membership (with 60 days free!) (如果你之前是個 優質使用者,我們將會免費給你額外 60 天的優質時間。 只要點擊這裡就能重新啟用你的 優質會員身分 並附上免費的 60 天) We are currently not deleting any inactive files, even for free users. (我們現在不會刪除任何不活躍的檔案,對於免費使用者也是如此) We have reduced the amount of advertisements across the board and cleaned them up. Please let us know if you see any inappropriate or disturbing ads. (我們已經減少 橫跨佈告欄的廣告 之數量 並且將它們清除掉。 如果你看到任何不合適 或 令你感到擾亂 的廣告,請讓我們知道) New exciting Premium features are being launched soon. Don't miss out, sign up for your free trial and stay tuned! (新的令人興奮的 優質特色 很快就被啟用。不要錯過了,來註冊,為了你的免費試用 並且留在這吧) We welcome you back to using Solidfiles, and once again, please forgive us for the previous announcement. (我們歡迎你回來使用 Solidfiles,並且再一次地,請原諒我們前一次的通告) Click here to get FREE Premium! (按下這裡來獲得 免費優質會員) 不知道這次是不是認真的,大家也可以試試看,但還是當成備份免空就好 至少這網站給予的下載速度個人還可以接受 (用 flashget 這種多線程軟體同時奔馳更好) 網址:https://www.solidfiles.com/ 註:不要在這文章試圖 "按下",因為那是 email 裡面才按得到的
嗯…只是改成 increasing 好像變得更奇怪了啊 XDD變成好像文法正確意義不明的句子了 orz...因為人家會一直想等你下一句的 so what?例如 increasing..., makes free users...如果要改的話,把上一句最後改成 we've been taken: 應該就 ok 了純粹看到討論一下而已 :)))