Q. What's this like for you being in The Finals against [former teammates]
Larry Nance Jr. and Jordan Clarkson?
NICK YOUNG: If you had watched the Lakers, you all wouldn't think we'd be at
this point, you know (laughing). But it's going to be exciting. I know those
guys are over there ready, I talked to them a little bit here and there. But
for the most part, just being in a Finals, seeing all y'all, seeing how you
all kicked me off the court today to do media. This is my first time, so,
yeah, getting the jitters out.
Q.你將在總冠軍賽上對決前隊友Larry Nance Jr.和Jordan Clarkson現在有什麼感覺?
Q. What are you saying to them, trash talking?
NICK YOUNG: I wasn't talking too much trash. It was pretty much, well, the
first night, when they won, they took a picture of the Eastern Conference
trophy, sent it to me. It was like, hopefully you can get one of these. You
know, so sent them one back, and now I'm ready to send something else.
Q. Did you have any emotional or reflection type of moments the last couple
NICK YOUNG: Oh, man, I'm still on a high. They're telling me to calm down
because you didn't win The Finals. We've still got games to go. But to me
that was just a big moment for me. They were acting all nonchalant, but I
haven't won nothing, so winning that trophy after the years I've been
through, that felt good.
Q. You got a visit from Rodman in your dreams the last round. Any
Finals dreams yet?
NICK YOUNG: We'll see how that goes tonight. Most of my dreams come to me
either pregame or the night before. So it's kind of interesting. We'll see
who will pop up tonight.
Q. What do you mean pregame? You take a nap before the game?
NICK YOUNG: Yeah, take a little nap. Some people come talk to me, knock on my
door in my dreams and stuff. But we'll see.
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