翻譯若有錯,請不吝指正 來源: The USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/yctkhk45 Footage of DeMarcus Cousins' 3-point workout should have NBA teams terrified Cousins的三分球會嚇到NBA其他隊伍 DeMarcus Cousins is coming off an Achilles injury, which made his one-year deal with the Golden State Warriors possible. Cousins正在從阿基里斯腱傷中逐漸恢復,這也是他會跟勇士能夠簽下一年約的理由。 While the NBA world did indeed freak out over the prospect of the Warriors rolling out five All-Stars in one lineup, cooler heads would note that Cousins was coming off a major injury that would likely keep him sidelined for a chunk of the season. And when Cousins did return, what kind of player would he be? These were all rational, well-reasoned concerns. 當NBA其他隊伍被勇士可能排出全明星先發被嚇到吃手手的這個moment,一些頭腦比較冷靜 的人會注意到Cousins從大傷恢復,可能還是會在旁邊坐個大半個球季。而當Cousins真的 回歸,他會是怎樣的一個球員呢?這些都是合理的疑問。 But those people obviously haven’t watched DeMarcus Cousins light up a gym from 3-point range because, now, the Warriors might have really ruined the NBA. 不過那些頭腦冷靜的人可能還沒看到Cousins在球館炸裂的三分球影片,現在,勇士隊可能 真的會毀掉NBA了。 影片:https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1031677144726786048 That’s just silly. 那個當然是玩笑話。 And, sure, plenty of NBA players can shoot lights out in an empty gym. We know that. But Cousins is shooting lights out before he’s fully recovered from an Achilles injury. 當然,一狗票NBA球員可以在空蕩蕩場館狂射,大家都知道。但是要知道,Cousins是還沒 完全從阿基里斯腱傷恢復就已經射爆三分線。 There are healthy NBA players and prospects who cannot do that. Yet, here we are and DeMarcus Cousins is going 19 of 20 from beyond the arc on one healthy leg. 一堆健康的NBA球員跟新秀都沒辦法做到,而Cousins從三分線外出手,19-20,而且是只有 一條健康的腿。 He might really be the third Splash Brother after all. 他或許真的能成為第三個浪花兄弟。