: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1582998267.A.883.html
: 推 jonathan8907: 還是等完全康復再上吧 03/01 01:48
: 完全康復的話,這季都不用打了吧
: ※ 編輯: jack34031 ( 臺灣), 03/01/2020 01:49:26
: 推 JL46: 謹慎為上...就讓教練團和高層等仔細確認後,再定奪吧~ @@a 03/01 01:55
: 推 ihx00: 這就叫做好事多磨啊,慢慢來吧雖然很想要看到他趕快復出 03/01 01:59
: 推 CW4: 需要更多練習 這樣也好 最近缺人 他跟這球隊還是花更多時間 03/01 04:37
: → CW4: 準備比較妥當 03/01 04:37
: 推 freshbox7: 延後好啊,我也覺得太早回來 03/01 04:41
: 推 CW4: 太久沒比賽 03/01 04:47
: → CW4: 他的身體可以做含碰撞的練習了 只是混戰的次數有些少 03/01 04:51
: 推 hank7218: 很想看他上場,但希望是滿血狀態 03/01 07:52
"He was not thrilled," Kerr admitted. "But Steph is always very rational,
easy to speak with so he put up a little bit of a fight but also understood
why we wanted to take extra precaution so he's okay with it."
"Zero concern in terms of re-injuring anything, it's just a feel thing for
Steph," Kerr said. "That term [nerve damage] sounds terrible but I think all
it really refers to is that area feels kind of numb. It's not anything of
concern from the training staff in terms of re-injury. Steph just has to get
used to a different feeling in his hand."
“Purely,” Kerr said. “The hand is healed and strong. That’s been the case
for the last week. But, again, like I told you guys the other day, he’s been
limited to two scrimmages. Both scrimmages included some random people we
found on the street, with all due respect to Klay Thompson’s pals and our
assistant coaches and training staff.
"We needed a higher level of scrimmage for Steph to be part of so the Santa
Cruz option was perfect in dealing with a group of guys who are in the middle
of their season, towards the end of their season, they're playing at a high
level," Kerr said. "I liken it to baseball players playing a simulated game
in the minor leagues."