※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1d6W3JBl ]
作者: Kai877 (淡江吳籤) 看板: NBA
標題: [花邊] Curry談到12人輪替陣容
時間: Thu Oct 24 16:09:53 2024
Steph Curry on the 12-man rotation: “You have to have a commitment. No agenda,
no egos. Well, healthy egos…If it’s not your night, can’t bring the team down
with your energy. Haven’t seen any red flags of that.”
Steph Curry談到12人輪替:”你必須全心投入,不要強求個人表現,如果今晚不是你的夜
心得: 全員皆兵