[閱讀] 戴爾美語練功坊 英檢閱讀克漏字測驗 9/10

作者: allenglish (小英之,得獎者不得要求 )   2013-09-10 19:24:46
戴爾美語練功坊 英檢閱讀克漏字測驗(9/10日)
Born on February 11, 1847 in Ohio, Thomas Edison was the seventh
and youngest child of Samuel and Nancy Edison. Even as a small child
he was __1__ about everything. When he was sent to school at age
seven, he asked so many questions that the school teacher beat him
with a leather strap and said that Tom was "dull." When Tom told his
mother, she took him __2__school and taught him herself. With only
three months of formal education, he __3__ became one of the greatest
inventors and industrial leaders in history. His greatest contribution was
the first practical electric lighting. He not only invented the first successful
electric light bulb but also __4__ the first electrical power distribution
company. Edison invented the phonograph, and made improvements
to the telegraph, telephone and motion picture technology. He also
__5__ the first modern research laboratory. Edison believed that inventing
useful products offered everyone the opportunity for fame and fortune
while benefiting society.
1. (A) precious (B) curious (C) ridiculous (D) mysterious
2. (A) up to (B) into (C) across (D) out of
3. (A) also (B) hence (C) never (D) nevertheless
4. (A) made up (B) took up (C) set up (D) used up
5. (A) has founded (B) found (C) founded (D) has found
1. 答案:B
* be curious about ~ 對~感到好奇
* curious adj. 好奇的 * precious adj. 寶貴的
* ridiculous adj. 荒謬可笑的 * mysterious adj. 神秘的
2. 答案:D
解析:本題在測驗介系詞out of的用法。
* out of ~ 從~出來
He walked out of the classroom.
She took a wallet out of her bag.
* up to ~ 多達~
There are up to 60 students in this class.
* across~ 橫越
He walked across the street.
3. 答案:D
解析:本題在測驗表示『語意逆轉』的轉承語(transition words)用法。
* nevertheless adv. 然而 hence adv. 因此
注意:表示『語意逆轉』的轉承語(transition words),常置於兩句子之間,
* S + V. Nevertheless, S+V.
= However = Yet = But = Still
This is one possible solution to the problem. Nevertheless, there are
others.She was highly talented; success, Nevertheless, remained distant
from her.He has a good job. Yet, he never seems to have any money.
They charge incredibly high prices. Yet, customers keep coming back
for more.
4. 答案:C
解析:本題在測驗片語動詞(phrasal verbs)。
* set up ~ 設立~ = establish = found
The school was set up in 1975.
* make up ~ 編造~
He made up an excuse for his lateness.
* take up ~ 佔用~
The sofa takes up too much space.
* use up ~ 用光~
He used up all the tissue paper.
5. 答案:C
* found vt. 創立 動詞三態: found, founded, founded
The company was founded in 1987.
* find vt. 發現 動詞三態: find, found, found
The wallet was found on the table.

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