ric2k1 (Ric)
2009-06-12 00:04:06Final project presentation will be held on 06/26 (Fri) afternoon.
Please reserve your time for it.
Below is the randomly generated presentation order.
Snacks and drinks will be served!!
2:00 (10) 吳柏翰 楊俊儒
2:15 (2) 賴之凡
2:30 (4.2) 廖官榆 劉威孝
2:45 (11) 李曼鈺
3:00 (12) 趙悅彤
3:15 (13) 李姿萱
3:30 (4.1) 翁榮鴻
3:45 (9) 林拱民
4:00 (7) 周邦彥 李柏緯 林宭宇
4:15 (1) 黃國僑 陳冠成 黃重豪
Please also note that you will also need to review 5 groups of the
presentations. The list of your assigned reviews can be found on the
project website. Absence of reviews will result in deduction of the
project scores. The review form will be distributed in class.