colinh (ColinH)
2009-08-02 18:22:42你的球員開球後起跑得夠快嗎?
安裝GLB Snap Awareness與GLB Player Scout可以讓你看得一清二楚
Did you make your vision check?
Originally posted by chazno
Getting off with the snap of the ball is one of the most important thing a
D-linemen can do. When Deathblade released his Speed script last week he gave
us a way to check. This whole time I was too concerned with WR and HB top
speeds when it finally hit me last night this is big information for
How to do it:
Get the speed script: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/53096
Click on your D-lineman
Look at the line-graph. If you have a flat-line to start the graph, you
missed your vision check.
I have modified the script to make this easier to see. I output the speed for
the first 10 ticks. If you have 0 speed you missed your check. Its funny
looking at some of the PeeWee games as they can miss their checks for the
first 5 ticks lol.
Anyway here is the modified script. Credit to Deathblade as all of the code
except like 10 lines is his. http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/54334
I may make some more mods if I have time later.