※ 引述《yenway928609 (加油)》之銘言:
: In an attempt to attract more tourists, [the Swiss government commissioned
: several life-size fiberglass cow statues, having them decorated by local
: artists, and] set them up on the streets of Zurich.
: A the Swiss government commissioned several life-size fiberglass cow statues,
: having them decorated by local artists, and
: B the Swiss government commissioned several life-size fiberglass cow statues,
: they were decorated by local artists, and then
: C the Swiss government commissioned several life-size fiberglass cow statues,
: had them decorated by local artists, and
: D several life-size fiberglass cow statues were commissioned by the Swiss
: government, decorated by local artists, and then
: E several life-size fiberglass cow statues, commissioned by the Swiss
: government, were decorated by local artists, and they
: 我的答案選B,正確答案是C。想請問原因是?
: 謝謝
這裡在考三個動詞的平衡, 我已經標出來, B選項不應該用子句they were decorated,
但是也不可能寫成were decorated, 所以只好寫成主動的had them decorated.