※ 引述《eqil (大膽的活)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《iammarsman (GMAT)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《flyllian (想做的事很多N N)》之銘言:
: : Q11:
: : Some species of Arctic birds are threatened by recent sharp increases in the
: : population of snow geese, which breed in the Arctic and are displacing birds
: : of less vigorous species. Although snow geese are a popular quarry for hunters
: : in the southern regions where they winter, the hunting season ends if and when
: : hunting has reduced the population by five percent, according to official
: : estimates. Clearly, dropping this restriction would allow the other species to
: : recover.
: : Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?
: 要反駁的是:解除獵捕限制可以讓其他鳥類復育
: 即:解除獵捕限制也無法讓其他鳥類復育
: : (B)It has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting season for
: : snow geese being closed earlier than the scheduled date.
: 「據上次因為達到獵捕限制而提早結束狩獵季已隔好幾年」
: 言下之意就是這些年來根本獵不到那麼多數量的雪鵝,
: 既然獵不到那麼多解除限制也還是獵不到,
: 因此對於其他鳥類復育的幫助自然沒有什麼用。
: 不好意思做到B我也卡住了
: 如果翻成"據上次.....已經隔好幾年",則理解成weaken選項是沒有問題的
: 但是"It has been man years since....."正確翻譯應該是"自從....以來."才對吧?
: 如果翻成"自從.....以來"則如原PO所言理解成是support選項
: 基於Its has been many years since的正確翻譯應為"自從....以來"
: 選項是不是出錯了?
: 感謝各位大大的解答, 真的很困惑....
因此it has been many years since 過去事件A
指的是「距離 過去事件A 發生到現在(句子用has been)已經隔了好幾年」
那就會寫成 the restriction has led to ....for many years.
(事件本身就用has been 表達過去持續到現在的概念)。