2014-05-19 15:28:08※ 引述《biggermao (Aaron)》之銘言:
: His studies of ice-polished rocks in his Alpine
: homeland, far outside the range of present-day
: glaciers, led Louis Agassiz in 1837 to propose the
: concept of an age in which great ice sheets had
: existed in now currently temperate areas.
: (A) in which great ice sheets had existed in now
: currently temperate areas
: (B) in which great ice sheets existed in what are
: now temperate areas
: (C) when great ice sheets existed where there were
: areas now temperate
: (D) when great ice sheets had existed in current
: temperate areas
: (E) when great ice sheets existed in areas now that
: are temperate
: OA is (B)
: 請問關於(B),句中what不是等於the things that嗎?
: 這裡things指的應該就是areas,那麼句末的ares不就是多餘的嗎?
不會多餘, 因為the thing重點會用that子句來告知讀者這是什麼東西.
: 此外關於(C),OG解釋這句wordy and confusing,我的認知是,
: where = in which,而which指的是areas,所以句末的areas就顯得wordy,
: 不知道這樣解釋對不對。
不對, in which是形容詞子句修飾語, 一定往左修飾, 不會往右, 所以which往左
最接近名詞是ice sheets, 並非areas; 所以C的問題主要是違反修辭精神, 可以不用
虛字盡量避免用虛字的there be結構
: 謝謝大家!
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