想請問正確答案 (D) 中
is a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine to allow ....
Question: 這句還原會變成... changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine in a
phenomenon to allow the warm water that has......
這樣對嗎?! 有點搞糊塗了@.@
※ 引述《A2GMAT (A兔GMAT)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《amysky0205 (=Amy=)》之銘言:
: : EI Nino, the periodic abnormal warming of the sea surface off Peru,[[ a
: : phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine allowing the
: : warm water that has accumulated]] in the western Pacific to flow back to the
: : east
: : (A) a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine
: : allowing the warm water that has accumulated
: : (B) a phenomenon where changes in the ocean and atmosphere are combining to
: : allow the warm water that is accumulating
: : (C) a phenomenon in which ocean and atmosphere changes combine and which
: : allows the warm water that is accumulated
: : (D) is a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine to
: : allow the warm water that has accumulated
: : (E) is a phenomenon where ocean and atmosphere changes are combining and
: : allow the warm water accumulating
: : OA: D
: : 想請問E的判斷點
: : where不能修飾phenomenon;
: : 使用現在進行式時態有問題;
: : "allow the warm water accumulating"不是這個changes造成water accumulating而是
: : 這個ocean and atmosphere 的changes 這整個動作使其達成water accumulate的
: : 動作
: : 這樣分析對嗎?
: : 請各位大大指教!!! 非常的謝謝
: D/E在相對選項分析有幾個重點:
: 1. changes in常常是當正確答案的標準英文寫法
: 2. GMAT不prefer用名詞直接修飾名詞, 若相對選項有介系詞片語用介系詞片語,
: 例如這題是ocean and atmoshpere + changes vs changes in ocean and atmoshpere
: 3. 陳述科學事實時態一律用現在簡單式, 其餘時態(像本題是進行式combining)不用
: 以上這些都是比較快的解題點, 如果用句意邏輯去解可能會比較主觀而且容易犯錯.