tuesady (tuesady)
2014-09-28 01:14:41Along the major rivers that traverse the deserts of northeast Africa, the Middle East, and northwest India, the combination of a reliable supply of water and good growing conditions both encouraged farming traditions that, in places, endure in at least 6,000 years.
(A) good growing conditions both encouraged farming traditions that, in places, endure in
(B) good growing conditions encouraged farming traditions that have, in places, endured for
(C) of good growing conditions have encouraged farming traditions that, in places, endured for
(D) of good growing conditions both encouraged farming traditions that have, in places, endured
(E) of good growing conditions encouraged farming traditions that have, in places, been enduring for
我想要請問 E 除了 combination of X and Y 錯誤之外,為什麼用have been enduring
是錯的呢? 因為為他說endure in at least 6,000 years 持續了6000年 到現在並沒有