※ 引述《jeff77766 (王天霸)》之銘言:
: 想請問一題在 最新GRE數學預測模擬試題(一)的題目
: 25. the company at which Mark is employed has 80 employees each of whom has a
: different salary. Mark's salary of $43,700 is the second-highest salary in the
: first quartile of the 80 salaries.
Mark 是最低四分之一裡的第二高 -> 排名= (80/4)-1 = 19
: If the company were to hire 8 new employees
: at salaries that are less than the lowest of the 80 salaries,
加了8個22k, Mark 排名 = 19+8 = 27
: what would
: Mark's salary be with respect to the quartiles of the 88 salaries at the
: company, assuming no other changes in the salaries?
88 個人,每個quartile = 22人
27名 = 1 quartile + 5 人 -> (E)
: A The 4th-highest salary in the first quartile
: B The highest salary in the 1st quartile
: C The 2nd-lowest salary in the 2nd quartile
: D The 3rd-lowest salary in the 2nd quartile
: E The 5th-lowest salary in the 2nd quartile
: 答案是E
: 如果插入的薪水是最低的八筆
: 不是應該不會影響到前面的四分位數嗎?
: 可是這樣看來就發現根本沒答案可選
: 好奇怪阿
: 請大家幫我解惑
: 謝謝大家!!