q7a4z1 (@@)
2014-02-07 13:52:02Hello,大家好~~
還盼各位版友不吝賜教! 謝謝你們~~
Issue 108
The statement here certainly has its point. We respect experts and their
critical judgments in their own field; but the radical generalization that
one should disparage opinions from people outside that field cannot be
easily justified. Or what the ground am I standing on to criticize the very
Doubtlessly, the world needs experts. Experts trailblaze the frontier of
the unknown that few man could understand even appreciate. Albert Einstein
wrote down the celebrated formula "E=MC2". Surely, we read this simple
equation! To criticize its validity should not be everyone's business.
Particle physicists and theorists are competent to play around with General
On the other hands, the world should not be dissected into fields belonging
to clans of experts. The layman is incapable to give a word on technical
virtuosity, but its application or outlook is. For an instance, a computer
operating system highly evaluated by engineers does not guarantee its
best-selling because of its terrible interface. The mutual understanding
between experts and the rest of the world is vital. By all means, the feedback
could help experts to move on the way that benefit the society but
self-euphoria in their ivory tower.
All in all, experts could not shun the humanity. People make mistakes so do
experts. Though, we respect and trust experts, critical judgments they need
from us. Believe or not, an outsider's idea may stimulate them; a fresh view
from a newbie could take them out of mire made by themselves.